I'd just like to inform you that we at Redpill Linpro will be hosting a series of breakfast seminars about the FuseSource line of products, meaning Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ and ServiceMix.
The seminars will give you a technical quickstart to using Camel and ServiceMix in your projects and is intended for developers and architects. So there will be no fluffy slides or sales pitches but rather a more "down to the core" type of seminar with lots of coding and examples of why Camel is such an awesome integration framework to work with.
If you are interested and either in the Stockholm, Oslo or Copenhagen areas, just register at the specific event. The seminar is of course free. Hope to see you there!
Stockholm (12/6)
Oslo (13/6)
Copenhagen (14/6)
Until next time!
I'd like to update you with the links to the presentations as well as the source code. Many thanks to all of you who attended. Especially to Claus Ibsen (the Camel project lead) who took the time to show up in the audience at the Copenhagen session.
Slides at slideshare:
Code at github: