torsdag 6 december 2012

Using Groovy and Camel for your scripting purposes

This topic has been displayed at other blogs, but it's such a great concept and served me very well quite recently so I think it warrants a revisit.

As a JVM developer (isn't that what we ought to call us nowaday when Scala/Groovy/Clojure is all the hype?) you're often sidelined by your scripting wiz fellows when it comes to writing quick "one-off" scripts for testing purposes and what-not.

I've personally gone as far as learning a bit of Python for this purpose, but I tend to miss my favorite java libraries and the ecosystem, although I must give the deepest respect to Python which is a really nice and powerful language. I must also confess that I've yet to find the time needed to become really proficient with it.

On our current project we had a requirement for a one-way http multicast solution in one of our test environments, as the backend system we were mediating requests to had more test environments than the rest of the chain. In EIP patterns you'd call this a fanout, multicast proxy or something similar.

Well... I thought this would be a really good fit for Camel, so I started setting up a standard Maven project. After a while it became quite obvious that while the Camel route itself was extremely small and simple, the project consisted of more Maven ceremony than actual code.

As this was an application for a test environment I was really not that interested in having a full build process for it. I'd rather just have something up and running in as few lines as possible.

Well, groovy scripts + grape to the rescue...

As any of you who've dealt with Groovy programming know, it is a great language for creating standalone scripts which are compiled and executed at runtime. Although Scala is my personal #1 choice when it comes to the JVM languages and offers scripting support as well, Groovy has one up in the Grape ecosystem which I've not yet seen in the Scala world.

So after moving the essential part of my application (the route) to it's own groovy script and adding a few Grape annotations to download the external Camel dependencies the solution was basically finished and executable by running "groovy Multicaster.groovy". Mind you, this is an extremely simple route and the dependencies will be downloaded at runtime which would be totally forbidden in a production environment. But for this purpose it fit the bill perfectly.

 import org.apache.camel.*  
 import org.apache.camel.impl.*  
 import org.apache.camel.builder.*  
 def camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext()  
 camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {  
   def void configure() {  
       .convertBodyTo(byte[].class) //To read multiple times, default is InputStream which is only readable once  
       .removeHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH) //So as not to forward URI to next call...  
     //Using SEDA here as it implies async handoff  
         //bridgeEndpoint is used to indicate that http headers (SOAPAction etc) should be copied  
         'http://testserver1:6060/myService?bridgeEndpoint=true&throwExceptionOnFailure=false', //consumer1  
         'http://testserver2:6060/myService?bridgeEndpoint=true&throwExceptionOnFailure=false', //consumer2  
         'http://testserver3:6060/myService?bridgeEndpoint=true&throwExceptionOnFailure=false', //etc...  
   final String STATIC_RESPONSE = '''\  
             <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ipl="">  
 addShutdownHook{ camelContext.stop() }  
 synchronized(this){ this.wait() }  

The combination of Camel in a scripting environment is extremely powerful. Just imagine the possibilities for statistic gathering utilities etc.. Now off to some more Groovying..